To Gather or Not to Gather? That is the question. Is it nobler to Om from Home or to go to smaller gatherings and practice safety protocols? If you do gather, what safety protocols make sense? Gathering is an outdoor activity so ranks lower on the risk factor for catching or transmitting COVID-19 provided you maintain social distancing and some other basic safety tips. Be honest about your vaccination status. Own your choices and share them with others so that people can make informed decisions regarding proximity. Respect people who chose to engage in safety protocols such as mask wearing, social distancing, and not sharing tangible items. Respect people who are not vaccinated. All councils/counsels/circles should make accommodations for people who want to social distance, wear masks, etc. Please do not share anything that has been in your mouth. Not sharing is caring. Please wear a mask while doing food prep or while serving, especially if you have not been vaccinated. Please set up ...