Rap 19: Covid Safety

To Gather or Not to Gather? That is the question.

Is it nobler to Om from Home or to go to smaller gatherings and practice safety protocols? If you do gather, what safety protocols make sense?

Gathering is an outdoor activity so ranks lower on the risk factor for catching or transmitting COVID-19 provided you maintain social distancing and some other basic safety tips.

  • Be honest about your vaccination status. Own your choices and share them with others so that people can make informed decisions regarding proximity.
  • Respect people who chose to engage in safety protocols such as mask wearing, social distancing, and not sharing tangible items.
  • Respect people who are not vaccinated.
  • All councils/counsels/circles should make accommodations for people who want to social distance, wear masks, etc.
  • Please do not share anything that has been in your mouth. Not sharing is caring.
  • Please wear a mask while doing food prep or while serving, especially if you have not been vaccinated.
  • Please set up many foot-pedal handwash stations so that people can wash their hands with soap and water frequently.
  • Please have plentiful supplies of hand sanitizers, gloves, and masks for those who did not bring their own.
  • If you have COVID-19, please stay home to protect the health of your family.
  • If while at the gathering, you believe you have contracted COVID-19, let CALM know and please isolate yourself to protect the health of your family.
  • Please ask before hugging, kissing, or getting closer to someone than six-feet. Respect people’s personal space. These practices are part of our consent culture anyway.

 Please copy and distribute this information freely to all points of love and light! 


Download a PDF Copy of this rap and bring copies to share where ever you are going.


  1. Thank you! I’m sorry i didn’t think to do something like this last year. Loving and to the point.

    1. My pleasure. Just wrote down what we've been talking about.

  2. Please people get vaccinated. Do it for the protection of others if not for yourself.

  3. For others: WE ARE NOT A DISEASE
    For self: YOU ARE NOT SICK.
    MRNA, blood clots, heart atracks, paralysis, insufficient testing, emergency use only....

  4. Ask the people of Taos how many people died from the vaccine in town. Kids, and adults both died from the shot in town.

  5. No one has died from the vaccines. QAnon is lying to you. COVID-19 is not fake news. Love you anyway.

  6. I don't know about anything other than my direct experience with vaccination and the virus. I work in a group home for developmentally disabled adults.

    We were very careful to avoid bringing it into the home, but after a year, one of the residents was exposed while visiting her mother, and came back with it. Every one of the residents became infected. I was fully vaccinated, other staff people who'd had only one shot, and worked, became infected.

    We had two residents who were hospitalized, and have shown lingering symptoms of impaired respiratory function, they have been improving but are not back to previous function after three months. Several others who had relatively mild symptoms still are showing confusion about routines which their lives have revolved around for years.

    I took my second shot of the Moderna Vaccine, back in early February, the first shot yielded not side effects but a sore arm for a couple of days. After the second shot, I felt slightly achy, and felt sort of chilled the next day, however these symptoms also coincided with me going skiing in single digit weather.

    Hundreds of millions have taken the vaccines, and there have been no significant occurrence of dangerously adverse side effects. One can claim that all the news gathering organizations of the world are all in on a massive cover up, but when one examines that premise rationally, it's beyond impractical.

    1. That's a vehement lie your are telling yourself! I'm a medical professional, this become most certainly had killed thousands upon thousands of people. Just because they're CODs don't specify the vaccine being the reason, it is. It is causing sudden unexpected cardiac arrest, kidney failure, lung failure. Stop spreading lies and encouraging people to harm themselves. They are literally trying to permanently sterilize multiple generations. This a culling of massive proportions. How can you be a hippie and be such a conformist? Do you actually know who you are as a person?

  7. If you have decided to take an experimental, untested, gene-altering mRNA injection funded by a well-known eugenicist, then PLEASE stay home and do not come around the family, at least until we have a year or two of data on how damaging these treatments are, or how transmissible.

    I'm sorry you got tricked into living in fear by a known fraudster Neil Ferguson, and a bunch of organized criminals.

    Rainbow was AMAZING last year, you should have been there!


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