Where will the prism gatherings (plural) be?
Updated 6/23/2021 at 3 PM Pacific Time This year is shaping up to be multiple smaller gatherings and/or camp outs over the July 4th prayer for world peace. Some of these gatherings will have an emphasis on COVID-19 safety protocols, others perhaps not so much. Many people may chose not to gather. The idea is not to have one large gathering, but to spread points of light around the land. The pandemic is still on-going and many of us take this very seriously. The idea is that of the prism where the light comes in an refracts out to many points around the USA. A lot of this is off the raider and very confusing. There are frequent Zoom webinars/conference calls where the plans are being discussed and people are being asked to plug in to different efforts. If you want the webinar/call information, please reach out to me at kzirk at earthlink dot net and I'll send you the information. The Zoom is open 24/7 but I know there are specific times when more peopl...